As guidelines continue to change, the information on this page may not always be up to date. Currently, we are having one service at 10:00 am in our building. In addition to this gathered worship service, we will continue to livestream our services on Facebook. For those that would like to physically join us at the church on Sunday morning, please plan to wear a mask and maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet. While there is no state recommended level for the number of people we can have, we are limited because of the size of our sanctuary from having much more than about 30 people in the sanctuary while observing social distancing rules. On any Sunday when we can’t safely social distance all those in attendance, overflow will be set up in our Fireside room for people to participate in the service through our Facebook livestream.
While we have returned to gathered services, we do want to strongly communicate that there are still risks with this virus. Because of this, we want to strongly encourage people to personally do what is best for themselves and their families as they determine whether to return to our gathered worship services. If you are sick or show various symptoms of illness (cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath), please stay home and self-isolate. As always we want to encourage people to follow the CDC and Oregon Health Authority guidelines. Practice good hygiene with frequent hand washing, cover coughs and sneezes with elbows or tissue, avoid touching your face, practice social distancing of at least six feet and use face masks or face coverings when in public. Per the most recent orders of the Governor of Oregon, masks will be required for all gatherings. We will have masks available if you should forget to bring one or don’t have one.
Obviously, there are lots of questions that come with this transition and to the best of our abilities, we have tried to address them below. Of greatest importance to me and our elders is to proceed with caution while consistently giving the greatest preference to love for others. If your questions are not answered here, please contact Pastor Gregg at the Church Office. We look forward to worshipping with you face to face even if it is at a distance!
Overview & Frequently Asked Questions
1. When do you foresee church returning to normal?
Currently, the state of Oregon is implementing a Risk and Protection Framework that determines issues of occupancy based upon where infection levels are at county to county. This Framework is updated every two weeks, and occupancy numbers are based on risk levels. Which is to say things continue to remain fluid and could change at any moment. Because of the confines of our building space and the need for social distancing we don’t see a return to “normal” for some time. At some level, in this time we want to begin to ask a larger question, whether or not our definitions of normal were good? If normal was the belief that our faith was solely defined by a two-hour worship service once per week then we don’t want to return to that. If normal was the belief that the church is an institution with a physical address, then we have missed the larger truth that the church is the people of God both gathered and scattered in their communities. Sometimes our desire to return to normal exposes idols that we value more than the things that God has called us to. In this season of upheaval and change, we want to encourage people to consider that normal has the potential to be both good or bad.
2. What will Service look like?
Services will be restricted to group sizes based on state guidelines with social distancing in place. Generally because of the size of our sanctuary and the necessary 6-foot distancing, even if we can have 100 people in the building, some who attend will be moved to our Fireside room where they will participate with the service via the online stream to Facebook. Beyond this and other things noted below, we hope the service will look largely like it has in the past. There will be corporate singing, preaching, and prayers. The offering will be collected through an offering box placed in the Foyer (though we continue to encourage people to give online), and communion will be served on the first Sunday of the month. We will also continue to stream our services online. We will not be having snacks after the service for the foreseeable future. There will be hand-sanitizer available and masks for those who may want one. Contact surfaces will be wiped down before and after services with disinfectant.
3. Will there be Children’s Ministry or Sunday School?
We are beginning to explore the return of Children’s Ministry and Sunday School and would love your input. Please contact Pastor Gregg to share your thoughts.
4. Will masks be required?
Per the orders of the Governor for the state of Oregon, masks are required for any indoor activity at this time. Masks are required for any outdoor activity if social distancing of 6 feet or more cannot be maintained. Masks will be made available if you should forget to bring one or don’t have one.
5. I have more questions!
Contact Pastor Gregg via email or by phone at the Church Office.